Could You Share Any Dietary Changes And Tips That Have Helped With Lymphoma?
To keep yourself healthy and preventing a recurrence, you MUST change your diet. The ordeal we go thru as cancer patients with chemo, radiation, surgery and everything else is enough to make you change for the better. Whole foods, like fruits, veggies, green juices, probiotics, fish, limit meat consumption due to hormones unless organic, is very important. Also, I did herbal stuff as well. Golden milk, which is with turmeric and honey, green sencha tea, matcha, milk thistle and dandelion tea. All have excellent antioxidants properties but please do check before drinking these with your medication for no interactions. I regularly drank organic aloe Vera juice, which kept my mouth sores to zero. The doctors could not prescribe anything and I came upon this by accident. Daily yogurt intake 8oz either sweet or savory. Helped significantly with my stomach lining to be strong after each chemo treatment. Also had garlic with honey. Powerful food to keep infections down if tolerated. Also multivitamins and supplements to keep strong. These are some of the foods I was able to eat to help me get through chemo with minimal weight loss.
I kept lymphoma at bay with a high nutrient keto diet for 10 months, then stopped. The nodes have grown a lot since then, so going back on keto. Fingers crossed. No treatments yet btw.
I just eat a ton of fruit everyday. Morning, a banana, pineapple [the real thing] and cottage cheese, sometimes strawberries if they are in season. Nighttime snack I have 5 cuties, [small oranges], grapes when in season and watermelon. every other day or so, I'll cut up 2 apples too. Whether it helps or not, I know it's good for you.
Sugar is something that is not great for people with Lymphoma
I had only a few days of loss of taste once I started treatment. Before that I mostly felt like I was 14 again, as I could eat anything and I still lost a pound a week totaling 30 lbs before my treatment. I drank a lot of water and ginger lemon tea. I still do. I was hoping that after remission I would keep the weight off but I have regained 20 of the 30 pounds I lost. Mostly chicken and fish, I added vitamin B 12 to supplements of omega 3, multivitamins, D3 and Calcium as I am also dairy intolerant. Been working out to rebuild the muscle tone I lost from 8 months of lethargy and sleep. Salad every night and side veggies are a daily habit now! Also more legumes and high fiber carbs.
Hi, Iām New Here. Most Immediate Question Is What Can I Do In Preparation For My Prognosis? Would Love Some Dietary/lifestyle Tips!
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Two Different Types Of Lymphoma?