Is Anyone Bothered By Incessant Itching?
Follicular Lymphoma
Wakes me up at night… besides the one or two sometimes trips to the bathroom !
Yes. Some days it drives me crazy. Mostly my forearms and right hand. Experiencing generalized itchiness as well.
Get many of the same things… pops up out of nowhere and then in a day it’s gone !
I get itch on my abdomen. It’s weird. I also get runny nose every morning and hives or single red bumps randomly like hives that itch. In random places. My back, sides, mostly on my trunk
Nice to know I’m not alone Sonja2😜Have tried ointment prescribed by a Dermatologist and changed my detergent several times to no availe🫨
Lymphoma And Rashes
Itching - What Do You Do About It?
How Long Did You Have Lymphoma Before Diagnosis?