Is There A Connection Between Fluid On The Lung, Shortage Of Breath And Lymphona
Yesterday I read a story on this site about this. Sorry I couldn’t tell you where But they said their doctor said that the lymph nodes in the lungs were swelling and blocking tiny airways and they had their lung drained?? Sounds weird as my doc says there’s no way or point to draining my swollen lymph in my neck. I so wish doctors were more knowledgeable and helpful!! Argghhh!
Hi Charles, thanks for your response. I went to hospital with shortage of breath and they drained 1.5 litres of fluid. Since that time I have had shortage of breath twice where I considered whether I should return to Emergency but got some relief sitting under a is a worrisome situation not being able to breath freely but don’t know what causes the fluid build upRegards Douglas
Thank you all for your responses. They helpl.
I have had fluid on my lungs twice and have chronic shortage of breath. I think there is a connection.
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