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Top 10 search results for "DTIC-Dome" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Have Terriable Pains In Arms And Neck , Also Have Sharp Pain On Right Side Of Head What Can It Be

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

i am on hyro-20mg- just like taking a tic tak- so i ventured out an go me some of the cbd/cbc gummies-it really helps alot better. thats how i get in the morings- i just cant move i hurt so much-so i… read more

I Have SLL And I Am On 400mg Of Venclexta A Day. Does Anyone Else Take Venclexta For SLL? And If So, What Is Your Maintenance Dose ?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

My Oncologist told me after my last scan that i will most likely have to stay on this Drug for the rest of my life. Anyone out there with SLL that has successfully come off all Cancer meds after reaching remission ?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Yes, I also had to reduce the Ventoclax to 200 mg. I had a cat scan and it looks like I will go off of it end of November. I thought I sprained my ankle a couple days ago but from your experience I… read more

Does DLBCL Come Back In The Same Place If You Relapse?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Hi DianneRose
It could yes, however could be someplace else. Also could be a different cancer all together
This fall it will be 3 years.
My DLBCL started in my spleen then spread. I no longer have a… read more

Has Anyone Used Gabapentin For Peripheral Neuropathy? I Have Had Some Tingling In My Toes Since I Started Taking Revlemid. Thanks!

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I was recently prescrrbed cymbalta for the neuropathy and it seems to be working.

How Do You Deal With Depression?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

Today is yet another good 👍☺️ day. But I'm thinking about depression. And I'm going to answer my own question and look forward to hearing how YOU deal with depression. There's been several times that I suffered severe depression. Having cancer is certainly reason for depression. I was diagnosed years ago with situational depression. I also have PTSD, caused by things that happened in the fifties and seventies. Sometimes psychiatric help is required, or some form of therapy, or medication. Even… read more

A MyLymphomaTeam Member


Can Someone Explain The "watch And Wait" Reasoning For Treatment?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

I was just diagnosed a week ago and don't meet with my doctor to discuss next steps until after the new year. He mentioned possibly doing "watch and wait" method and I've read a lot that backs that up, which really surprises me. Why would you wait until things got worse to pursue any type of treatment?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Waiting every 3 months for my blood levels to get back to normal.

So This Week Some Lymph Nodes In My Neck Have Swelled Up. No Other Symptoms. I Do Have Allergies. I Don't Know What To Do? Any Suggestions?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

Is Anybody Taking Supplements That They Feel Is Helpful?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I take several supplements along with my morning 3 meds. Multi, Vit c, Calcium, tumeric, B12, D4, baby aspirin and an Omega Oil once a week.

My Husband Felt Great During His 1st Chemo Cycle But Has Been Home 3 Days And Feels Like He Has Been Hit By A Truck. Will This Improve Soon?

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

Just had 1st cycle of EPOCH-R treatment for double hit DLBCL in bones.

A MyLymphomaTeam Member

I questioned the sequencing of the treatment and was told the insurance only pays for R on an outpatient basis. He has Medicare and a very good supplement. I need to look into this further as he… read more

Hi My Ex Wife Has LL STAGE 4 We Are From Uk And Have 3 Children

A MyLymphomaTeam Member asked a question 💭

My ex wife has lymphoblastic lymphoma stage 4 and has been in hospital since march , she had her spleen removed as it was extremely enlarged (2.5kg). PET scan showed lymphoma in her bone marrow and liver . I know she has an uphill battle on her hands she starts treatment on Monday in Christie’s hospital, Manchester England. Just wanted to hear some encouragement and possibly some positive outcome story’s.