Couples: In Which Ways Has Your Partner’s Diagnosis And/or Journey Affected Your Relationship?
When illness was a hypothetical — a promise in a vow, or a far-away romanticism found in the mildness of “growing old together” in uncomplicated ways — I assumed that illness would cause the rest of the world to disappear. I assumed we would suddenly feel closer, more intimately connected, and that our troubles and everyday frustrations would melt away into the background of the burning dilemma we face together… of the thought of one of us being unwell, or the fear of loss.
But that’s not true… read more
It hard. Im not as strong as him I fell apart .I rely on him, he's my everything we don't have children and have a very small family. I cry a lot. I find my self some time fighting with him and he also fights with me. I think we are angry and frustrated.But we do love each other . You have to live each day one at a time. that is how I'm getting through.
Has Anyone Experienced A Very Low Libido After Cancer Treatment?
Okay Buddies- I Want Some Advice. If You Have Done A Course Of Treatment With Rituximab (or Similar Monoclonal Antibody) What Was It Like??
I Want To Know The Survival Rate Of Someone With Non Hodgkin Limphoma?